söndag 31 december 2017

nyårs layout till 2018


Hello new Year

Hello all out here. 
Today I have made a layout to my New years album . 
I have used the new kit Autumn Hayride.
It looks like this. The bottle and the glas is from my own stuff. 

I have painted the bottle and the glas with the red amber wax from Prima. 

Here you see the glases  I painted just like the bottle. 

Here I took some glue and sprinkled micro beads into the glue around the whole picture.

I decked the layout with flowers from Prima. There are a lot of flowers in this wonderful paper kit

This was the last from me this year. I hope to see you in 2018
and until then I will wish You a
Happy New Year.

fredag 29 december 2017

Höstkort dt uppdrag

I have made a twist and pop card today with the beautiful 

Here is my card whit the nice kaiser craft papper and the pretty flowers and leafs from Prima.

When you open it  will pop out . 
Everyting I haved used you will find in the paperkit Autumn Hayride

This saying is so true. 

The nice flower from Prima and the nice glittering leafs. 

This was all for me. Now it´s time to prepare for Christmas. 
Our Christmas Eve in Sweden is 24 december . 
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope to see you again. 

Take care

fredag 22 december 2017

Lo höstens prakt Dt uppdrag

  Autumn Splendor"

Today I will show a layout that I have done from last fall. I find a photo that will be perfect to use with the items from

Right now there's so much to do with Christmas, so it's nice to let go of it and create something that does not belong to Christmas.

So here is my layout

Here I have used the Red Amber wax and colored the words and it gives such a shining result. 

I have sprayed the tree branches with Lindy´s starburst envy green. It will be so shimmering and fine. The leaves I first inked with Rusty keys from Ingrid Bolme and then I take little of the Red Amber wax and just stroked a little on the leaves.  It get a shiny look. 

The leaves under the flowers were also sprayed with Lindy´s envy green spry. I like that the flower and the photo are matching each other so well

A close up photo of a nice saying.

Thats was all for me this time.

Hope too see you next time.

Hugs from Sweden


Toffifee ask Dt uppdrag

Thank You"

Today I will show you a beautiful toffifee box that you can bring whit you to the host when you go to a party. I made it using the nice Garden kit.  
There is a lot of stuff in this kit and you can do make so many nice thing with it. 

Here is the box I made for the toffifee .

I like to take of the lid for the toffifeebox. It look nicer whitout it

There are many saying in the kit and here I have used one of them

Here you see some of the flowers and there are a lot of nice flower from Prima in the paperkit. 

If  you want to try it yourself you find the toturial here
It´s a beautiful box to give away now in christmas time.
I hope you will try one  yourself. 

Thats was all for me this time. Hope you take care out there and don´t stress too much this days . 


tisdag 12 december 2017

Fler julkort 2017

Hoppas allt bra med er därute och att ni inte stressar för mycket nu när det är mindre än två veckor kvar till julafton. 
Själv är jag inte helt klar men på torsdag ska jag inhandla de sista sakerna och sedan så ska det vara klart för jag orkar inte vara ute i affärerna under julstressen. Jag blir bara ännu mer stressad när det är så mycket folk.  
Jag älskar att krypa in i mitt scrapprum och  koppla av en stund och hämta andan lite från all julstressen. 
Det gjorde jag och det blev några snabba julkort gjorda som saknades. Så skönt nu kan man bocka av dem från att göra listan. 

Så här blev de.  

Det var allt för den här gången. 
Jag hoppas vi ses snart igen.
Ha det så bra med er alla och tack för ni tittade in hos mig. 


måndag 4 december 2017


Hello  Marianne here with you again. 
I can imagine that you all have a lot to do now when Christmas is coming soon. We have Christmas at  December 24 here in Sweden so it is not so long time before Santa is coming.
But I have a little time left to work with this beautiful paperkit that you can find here
There is so many nice papers, flowers, embellishment and a lot of other stuff that are so amazing. 
This time I made a card with the beautiful Pion Design paper and the nice flower from Prima.

Here is my card.

The beautiful flowers from Prima. I love the color.

Here you see the nice leafs which came in the package.

There are many sayings like this you can choose between . 
I like to use sayings like this on my cards.  

Nice Pion Design paper. 

Apple colored with the nice Prima Red Amber wax. 
It gets a nice shiny look. 

Thats was all for me this time. 
Now it´s time for me too decorate the house for Christmas. I still have  some things left to do. 
Take care


lördag 2 december 2017

This is me

Hello everyone. 

I will show you my first try ever to make a layout. 
I usually make cards and miniprojects but sometimes you have to challenge yourself and that is exactly
what I have done so be nice. 
I have worked with the new Garden kit
Autumn Hayride, and there are so much
stuff with the kit and it is just so wonderful. 

Here is my first try. 

I took a cardstock and splashed it with the beautiful Lindys starbust color green. And then I colored the edges of the paper with the rusty keys fluid chalk ink from Ingrid Bolme. 

I used the same chalk and painted the pumpkins and then sprayed the leaves. I think it looks very nice and it matches the flowers so well. 

The flowers is from Prima and they are just so lovely. 

Look at this butterfly isn´t it just so beautiful.

The only thing I have from my own stuff is the word "This is me". 

I hope to see you next time and don´t forgett to take a visit on  



lördag 25 november 2017

julkort 2017

Tänk att nu är det snart jul igen. Vart tog detta året vägen? Jag tycker att tiden bara rusar iväg desto äldre jag blir. 
Trots detta så har jag ju hunnit att få ihop några julkort i år också. 
Det är faktiskt så roligt att göra julkort och varje år säger jag att jag ska fortsätta att göra julkort då och då under året för att jag ska ha när det är dags så ingen stress uppstår, men ändå så sitter man där nästa år och har inte gjort det man tänkte sig, Men jag har inte så jätte många kvar så jag hinner i år också. Här kommer en del av de som är färdiga än så länge. 

Här är en del 

Vi syns. Ta det lugnt i adventsstöket. 
