fredag 22 december 2017

Toffifee ask Dt uppdrag

Thank You"

Today I will show you a beautiful toffifee box that you can bring whit you to the host when you go to a party. I made it using the nice Garden kit.  
There is a lot of stuff in this kit and you can do make so many nice thing with it. 

Here is the box I made for the toffifee .

I like to take of the lid for the toffifeebox. It look nicer whitout it

There are many saying in the kit and here I have used one of them

Here you see some of the flowers and there are a lot of nice flower from Prima in the paperkit. 

If  you want to try it yourself you find the toturial here
It´s a beautiful box to give away now in christmas time.
I hope you will try one  yourself. 

Thats was all for me this time. Hope you take care out there and don´t stress too much this days . 


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